
Mars Rover Manipal is a leading student project team of Manipal Academy of Higher Education. With each subsequent year, the team has built a better, more capable design with a better performance than the previous one. The team has been a consistent performer in University Rover Challenge, organized by Mars Society. Mars Society is the body concerned with the establishment of humans on Mars in future. The event is judged and attended by leading scientists of the world. Tech heads from all over the world, who will one day be leading technocrats, take part in the event. Our partner sponsors are featured in our merchandise which we wear in all our events. Our T-Shirt also has stickers of our sponsor companies. We promote our sponsors from time to time on our social platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Besides the competition, we put our work on display at TechTatva, MIT's national level technical festival. A fest with a reach like such can be a great platform for your company for advertisement. We regularly take part in tech competitions, where our rover has constantly performed well.


Sponsoring a team like us goes a long way in ensuring the Corporate Social Responsibility for your company. When you invest in us, you invest in the future of education. An autonomous rover can open doors to a large number of possibilities, ranging from disaster management to environment cleanliness. Your investment will allow us to further our research in to various fields, where humans can put these robots to use. Your help to us will further enhance the image of your company as one that works towards a better future for all of us.


Sponsoring a team like us goes a long way in ensuring the Corporate Social Responsibility for your company. When you invest in us, you invest in the future of education. An autonomous rover can open doors to a large number of possibilities, ranging from disaster management to environment cleanliness. Your investment will allow us to further our research in to various fields, where humans can put these robots to use. Your help to us will further enhance the image of your company as one that works towards a better future for all of us.

Home to about 20,000 students from all parts of the world, very few colleges provide diversity, as Manipal Academy of Higher Education does. Joining our family of sponsors provides your company exposure to all of these students. Your company will come in direct contact with innovative and dedicated students, who are experienced and more than able to handle situations. As one of our sponsors, your company is invited to all our events and can visit our workshop any time. Our workshop is a place where you can have access to bright engineering students, who can be an asset to any company they join.


Home to about 20,000 students from all parts of the world, very few colleges provide diversity, as Manipal Academy of Higher Education does. Joining our family of sponsors provides your company exposure to all of these students. Your company will come in direct contact with innovative and dedicated students, who are experienced and more than able to handle situations. As one of our sponsors, your company is invited to all our events and can visit our workshop any time. Our workshop is a place where you can have access to bright engineering students, who can be an asset to any company they join.


Our Sponsors

Sponsors have played a vital role in the emergence of Mars Rover Manipal as one of the leading teams of the world. It is the constant support of our sponsors in term of financial and technical resources which has kept us going to pursue our goals. We are grateful to all our sponsors for their support and hope to augment our relationship.

Sujanand Engineers & Contractors
Altium Designer
PCB Power



Mars Rover Manipal, MAHE Automobile Workshop, MIT, Manipal, India - 576104

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